Tuesday, September 4, 2007

::| e d h a r d y |::

I just had to take some pictures of Sander since he was so cool in this outfit. Dont you agree?

The jeans and the cardigan are from Åhlens and the t-shirt is from Cheap Monday.

The cap is from Ed Hardy and as you can see it's a bit big. It's actually Mikkes but Sander really wanted to have it.


Anonymous said...

Åh så söt han är.. som vanligt.. puss storebror o skaffa facebook.. och kolla in dom coola iron maiden vansen på zoovillage.com..

Anonymous said...

hur söt får min lilla kille vara. världens coolaste! saknar honom jätte mycket!

Anonymous said...

så söt sander är, har ju inte sett bilder på honom på evigheter! hoppas ni har det bra upp i norr! kram